En Amérique
3 pays font partie du Réseau pour l’intégrité.
3 pays font partie du Réseau pour l’intégrité.
The Institute for Access to Public Information (IAIP) of El Salvador is responsible for guaranteeing citizens their right to access public information. IAIP contributes to democracy and human development, making it easier for the population to know and exercise the right to access public information and the personal data protection.
IAIP guarantees the exercise of the right to access public information and the personal data protection with independence, quality and innovation, and in inter-institutional coordination. Its values are integrity, probity, reliability, equity and responsibility.
He was sworn in as President Commissioner on August 11, 2020 by the President of the Republic, Nayib Armando Bukele Ortez. Representative for the university sector, he has a degree in Legal Sciences, with experience in human rights and university teaching. He has served as Deputy Attorney General and National Director of Protection of the Office of the Attorney General for the Defense of Human Rights (PDDH). He has been a professor and associate researcher at the Public Policy Observatory of the Faculty of Legal Sciences of the Francisco Gavidia University (UFG). He worked as a legal advisor in the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) in the Family Relations section and in the Property Registry area of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security.