On 20 and 21 March 2019, the Organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD) organized its 7th Global anticorruption and integrity Forum. Each year, it gathers hundreds of representatives of governments, international and civil society organizations to discuss reforms and best practices in the fields of integrity and fight against corruption. On the theme « Tech for Trust », the benefits of new technologies and data analytics in the field of integrity was the topic of particularly rich contributions, as well as the development of common standards and decision more accessible and understandable by citizens.
This Forum and the Integrity Week in which it is organized are the occasion of information nad best practices exchanges with like-minded institutions and actors of the civil society, international and private sector organizations, for the institutions that compose the Network. The Network for Integrity had organized on 29 and 30 March 2018 in Paris, a workshop on digital to monitor and promote public integrity, with the support of the OECD on the occasion of the 2018 Integrity Week.
This year again, close to half of the member institutions of the Network took part in the different sessions organized during these two days. The representatives of the ANI (Romania), the HATVP (France), the NAC (Moldova), the NACP (Ukraine), the Sukobinteresa (Croatia), the OFNAC (Senegal) and the HABG (Ivory Coast) mentioned the future of the ongoing activities within the three working groups created during summer 2018 and notably two projects in drafting process, on the one hand, on ethic sin the public sector and, on the other hand, in the field of digital tools to promote integrity and transparency in the public sector. They also discussed future actions that the Network could implement and expressed the determination to puruse their cooperation and organize a workshop at the end of 2019. They finally exchanged with representatives of an institution in Canada that is interested by the initiative.